Software Training In Lagos Nigeria
Tech365 Software Development training is beginner-friendly, practical and project-based. It is designed to help participants become job-ready.
* Tailwind
* JavaScript
* React
* Python
* Django
* Github
* Deployment
* Tailwind
* JavaScript
* React
* Python
* Django
* Github
* Deployment
4 Months
Mon, Wed & Fri (Saturdays)
10am to 1pm (WAT) or 2pm to 5pm
Software Projects We Will Build
In addition to the software development projects below, you will also be given resources to build others on your own.
Landing page
Use the HTML and CSS concepts that was learnt to design an responsive page.
DOM Manipulation
Create a functional frontend app that manipulate the DOM using JavaScript
Consume API with React
Fetch a data from a backend using API and render them with React
A mini ATM App
Create a terminal-based app to deposit, withdraw and check balance.
Fullstack App
Build a fullstack application using Django and PostgreSQL.
Learn how to make your app go live using GitHub and PaaS
Training Benefits
Here are some of the benefits of learning at Tech365
- Beginner-friendly
- Project-based training
- Excellent support
- Job alerts
- Career guidance
- Certificate of completion
- Flexible payment plan
- Conducive learning environment
- Unlimited internet access
- Recommendation letter
Software Development Course Outline
Introduction and HTML
Understanding of how to render different HTML elements in the browser.
Introduction to software development
- Full stack software development road-map
- How the internet works
- Project planning process
- Installation and setup
Introduction to HTML
- Advantages and limitations of HTML
- HTML Comments
- Basic HTML tags
- HTML Elements
- Heading
- Paragraphs
- Text Formatting
- Quotations
- Links
- Images
- Tables
- Lists
- Block and Inline Elements
- Iframes
- File Paths
- Viewport meta tag
HTML Entities
- Doctypes
- HTML Attributes
- Audio/Video
Project: Designing job application page and Shopping cart page.
Cascading Stylesheet (CSS)
Understand how to style any page and create appealing user interfaces using CSS.
Introduction to CSS
- What is CSS?
- Benefits of CSS.
Basic Structure of CSS
- Selector
- Property
- Value
CSS Selectors
- Element Selector
- Class Selector
- ID Selector
- Attribute Selector
CSS Properties and Values
- Text Styling
- font-family
- font-size
- font-weight
- color
- text-align
- text-decoration
Box Model
- width and height
- margin
- padding
- border
- box-sizing
- display
- position
- float
Backgrounds and Images
- background-color
- background-image
- background-size
- background-position
CSS Units
- Absolute Units
- Relative Units
CSS Media Queries
Flexbox Container
Main Axis
Cross Axis
Flex Direction
CSS Grid
- Grid properties
- Grid column properties
- Grid row properties
- grid-template-rows
- grid-template-columns
- grid-gap
Tailwind CSS
Ability to build different types of layouts Design web apps that are responsive Learn general techniques and best practices with TailwindCSS.
Tailwind CSS outline
- Introduction to Tailwind CSS
- Why Tailwind CSS?
- Advantages of Tailwind CSS
- Installation of tailwind css
- Container
- Box Sizing
- Display
- Float
- Clear
- Object Fit
- Object Position
- Overflow
- Flex Direction
- Flex Wrap
- Flex
- Flex Grow
- Flex Shrink
- Order
Tailwind CSS Grid
- Grid Template
- Columns
- Grid Template
- Rows
- Gap
- Justify Content
- Justify Items
- Justify Self
- Align Content
- Align Items
- Align Self
- Padding
- Margin
- Space Between
- Width
- Min-Width
- Max-Width
- Height
- Min-Height
- Max-Height
- Font Family
- Font Size
- Font Style
- Font Weight
- Letter Spacing
- Line Height
- List Style Type
- Opacity
- Text Alignment
- Text Color
- Text Opacity
- Text Decoration
- Text Transform
- Vertical Alignment
- White space
- Word Break
- Border Radius
- Border Width
- Border Color
- Border Opacity
- Border Style
- Box Shadow
- Opacity
Tailwind Filters
- Filter
- Blur
- Brightness
- Contrast
- Drop Shadow
- Grayscale
- Hue Rotate
- Invert
- Saturate
- Sepia
- Border Collapse
- Table Layout
Transitions and Animation
- Transition Property
- Transition Duration
- Transition Timing Function
- Transition Delay
- Transform
- Transform Origin
- Scale
- Rotate
- Translate
- Appearance
- Cursor
- Outline
- Pointer Events
- Resize
- User Select
Get the skills and confidence to understand JavaScript. Follow a structured learning path to grow your skills more quickly. Work on real projects and build your portfolio.
Introduction to JavaScript
- Overview of JavaScript
- Installing Code Editor
- Developer console
- Adding JavaScript into HTML
- JavaScript Statements
- Basic Syntax
- Input and output
- JavaScript Comments
- Interaction: alert, prompt, confirm
Variables in JavaScript
- The use of variables?
- JavaScript Let
- JavaScript Const
- JavaScript Reserved Words
Data Types
- Numbers
- Strings
- Boolean
- Array
- Objects
- Null
- Undefined
JavaScript Operators
- Arithmetic Operators
- Assignment operators
- Comparison Operators
- JavaScript Unary Operators
- Ternary Operator
- Instanceof Operator
- If-else
- Switch Case in JavaScript
- Break and Continue
- Type Conversion
Loops in JavaScript
- For Loop
- While Loop
- For-in Loop
- Differences between and for ..of
Javascript functions
- Inbuilt Functions
- User-defined functions
- Anonymous Functions
- Functions as First-Class Citizens
- Callback Functions
- Higher order function (map, filter, reduce, find)
- Understanding variable scopes in JavaScript
- JavaScript Hoisting
- JavaScript Strict Mode
- this in JavaScript
Arrays in JavaScript
- Basic Array Methods
- sort() Method
- Array Iteration Methods
JavaScript Strings
- JavaScript String Methods
- How to sort strings in JavaScript?
Document Object Model (DOM)
- Introduction to
- Document Object Model
- Select Element By Id
- Select Elements By Name
- Select Elements By Tag Name
- Select Elements By Class Names
- Select Element By CSS Selectors
Traversing elements
- Get the Parent Element
- Get Siblings of an Element
- Get Children of an Element
- Manipulating elements
- Create Elements
Append Child Nodes
Javascript Form
- How to Create a Form with the JavaScript?
- Form validation
Event handling
- Introduction to Events
- Page Load Events
- The onLoad Event
- The DOMContent
- Mouse Events
- Keyboard Events
- Scroll Events
Storing data in the browser
- Cookies
- LocalStorage
- sessionStorage
- Template Literals
- Object Literal Syntax
- Default Parameters
- Rest Parameters
- Spread Operator
- Destructuring
- What is the arrow function
- Importing and
- Exporting Modules
Asynchronous JavaScript
- Promises
- Async/await
Error Handling
- try…catch try…catch…finally
- Throw an Exception
React JS
Build powerful, fast, user-friendly and reactive web apps with React
Introduction to React
- What is React JS?
- Why use React instead of JavaScript
- Project Overview
- Roadmap
React Setup
- Environment Setup
- Creating New Project
- Analyzing Project Structure
React basics and components
- Components & Why React is Component-Based?
- React Elements
- Building Component
- Styling Components
- Dynamic Data in components
- Passing data using Props
State and event handling
- Handling Events in React
- Why are States required?
- useState() Hook
- Form Handling
- Handling form Submission
Contents conditional rendering
- Rendering of List
- Importance of key attribute
- Conditional Statements & Output
Multipage Single page application with react-router
- Introduction to routIng
- What is Routing, how it works & installation
- Basic Routing
- Link and NavLink
- Dynamic Routes
- Nested Routes
- Redirection and Not Found Page
Global state management with context
- What is React Context?
- React context vs Redux
- When to use React Context?
- Application of react context
- Steps to create a production build
- Hosting your application online
Python Programming
Understand Python programming and be able to translate concepts into pseudo-code and functional app
- Overview of python
- Installation and setup
- Python Syntax
- Variables
- Reserved words
- Input and output
- Comments in python
Data types
- Strings
- String properties
- Indexing and slicing
- String methods
- Numbers
- Boolean
Python lists
- Introduction to Lists
- Sorting a List
- Slicing a List:
- Unpacking a List
- Iterating over a List
- Finding Index of an Element: index()
- Indexing tuple elements
- Unpacking Tuples
- Type Conversion
Python dictionary
- Introduction to dictionary
- Nested dictionary
- Dictionary methods
- Indexing dictionary items
- Updating dictionary items
- Dictionary Comprehension
Python Set
- Set Comprehension
- Union of Sets
- Intersection of Sets
- Difference between Sets
- Symmetric Difference of Sets
- Arithmetic operators
- Comparison operators
- Logical operators
- Assignment operator
- Membership operator
- Identity operator
Control Flow
- If statement
- elif
- While loops
- For loops
- For in Loops
- In-built functions
- User-defined function
- Function parameter
- Lambda
- Map, filter, reduce
- *args and **kwargs
- Modular programming
- Python package
Exception handling
- try…except
- try…except…finally
- try…except…else
Working with Files
- Reading a Text File
- Writing to a Text File
- Creating a Text File
Object-oriented programming (OOP)
- Introduction to Classes
- What are objects
- Inheritance
- Encapsulation
- Polymorphism
Learn how to design, query and manipulate databases.
Introduction to SQL
- What is SQL?
- Create Table Statement
- ALTER TABLE Statements
- Rename Columns of a Table
- Modify Column DataType
- Drop Columns from Table
- Rename Tables
- Drop Tables
- What is Null Value?
DML Statements
- Insert Statement
- Update Statement
- Delete Statement
- Truncate Statement
- Merge Statement
Select Queries
- Select Query
- WHERE Clause
- GROUP BY Clause
- HAVING Clause
- ORDER BY Clause
SQL Joins
- Inner Join
- Left Join
- Right Join
- SQL Operators
- IN
SQL Functions
- AVG()
- MAX()
- MIN()
- SUM()
SQL Operators
- IN
Understand how to plan a project, implement the plan and deploy the software after development
Django Introduction
- What is Django?
- Features of Django
- Advantages of Django
- Organizations using Django
- Understanding MVT design pattern
Django Fundamentals
- Setting up a virtual environment
- Installing Django
- Understanding Django folder structure
- Creating Projects
- Django Apps
- App settings
- Running Django server
Site Administration
- Accessing the Django admin
- Setting up Django superuser
- Customizing the Django admin
URL/Routing in Django
- Url patterns
- static page routing
- Dynamic page routing
Django Views
- Function-based views
- Creating Django views
Templating in Django
- Steps to creating templates
- Jinja Template tags
- Displaying data in Django templates
- Extending Django templates
Django Models
- Understanding Django ORM (Object-relational mapper)
- Connecting to database
- Model class in Django
- Field types in the Django model
- Migration in Django
- Displaying models in Admin
- Understanding model relationships
- Create, read, update and delete data
Django Forms
- Creating a form with HTML
- Using Django model forms
- Form Validation
User Authentication
- User Registration
- User login and Logout
- Login redirect
- Flash Messages
- Sending emails
Django Security
- Managing brute-force attack
- Adding ReCaptcha
- Session timeout
Static files in Django
- static files configuration
- Styling in Django
- Adding JavaSCript
- Managing media files
Django Rest Framework For APIs
Understand how to expose the backend through APIs so it can be consumed by mobile apps, frontend frameworks and other platforms
Django REST framework (API development)
- Basic Django Setup
- Installation
- Models and Migrations
- Creating JSON Response
- DRF Introduction
- Serializers – GET Request
- Serializers – POST, PUT, DELETE Request
- Model Serializer
- Django Relationships
- URL Structure
- Viewsets and Routers
- Introduction to Permissions
- Introduction to Authentications
- Testing with postman
- Implementing search and pagination
Version Control with Git And Github
Introduction to Version control
- Overview of Version Control Systems (VCS)
- Importance of Version Control in DevOps
Introduction to GitHub
- Overview and Features of Github
- Benefits of Github in DevOps Workflows
Getting Started with GitHub
- Creating a GitHub Account
- Installing git
- Configuring Profile Settings
Git operation
- Initializing git for a project
- Adding files to be committed
- Committing files to the staging area
GitHub Basics
- Creating a repository
- Connecting to the remote repository
- Pushing files to git
AI and Software Development
How to leverage AI as a DevOps engineer
- Generating code with AI
- Troubleshooting with AI
- Using AI to increase productivity
- Staying relevance despite AI porpularity
Student Feedback
I attended Tech365. One of the key strengths of the training was its structured approach to covering complex concepts. The content was well-organized, starting from foundational knowledge and gradually delving into more advanced topics. This approach ensured that participants with varying levels of expertise could benefit from the training, making it accessible and engaging for everyone involved.
Dongo Cornelius
Tech365 is an ideal place for learning new skills in Information Technology. The teaching environment is great. The lecturers are very knowledgeable and are so willing to impart knowledge with patience and humour. My experience was so pleasant that I would love to go back and get an additional skill of interest.
I recommend Tech365 to anyone thinking of acquiring IT skills in an excellent and helpful environment.
Abiodun Adewodu
The in-depth teaching, and in relation to real-life applications, exploring different hands-on projects made it indeed brain-tasking and worthwhile. The patient and grounded tutors and most especially the patience in follow-ups even after the training period makes them an exceptional data school as this is really rare. The recommendations for opportunities and the community of like minds are absolutely commendable too.
Confidence Joseph
Tech 365 offers insightful and informative teachings. The courses are broken down in a way that even a layperson can easily understand. Everyone is made to see that tech can be simplified. I used to find tech-related courses quite challenging, and I struggled hard trying to learn it myself, but since joining Tech 365, I’ve discovered that it’s not as difficult as I expected. I can confidently say that you get real value for the money you invest.
Emmanuella Omolade
Tech365 is a great place to start from Novice to Ninja! There is no wuruwuru to the answer; The instructor takes you from the simplest example to the complex one solving them as simple as it could be. For every challenge encountered; it becomes another learning curve for knowledge. I will definitely recommend Tech365 who want solid background knowledge or a career shift in ICT. Thank you.
Oluwaseun Popoola
Training Fees
Software Development
Covers all the software development Modules. 4 Months
DevOps & Software
Covers all the DevOps Modules and full stack software development. 7 Months
Software Engineering
Covers all the DevOps Modules, software development, system design, data structure and algorithm and advanced project. 1 year
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
No prior programming experience is required. Our training approach is beginner friendly, and we work on several real world projects to help our student have deeper understanding of each module. However, you need to know how to operate the computer efficiently.
We have weekend class for those who cannot attend the weekday class. 10am to 2pm or 2pm to 5pm (Nigerian Time)
You can pay N200,000 at the beginning of each month to attend the training.
Yes, it is recommended you come with your own laptop as it will help you to practice whatever you are learning. However, we provide laptop that can be used only within our premises if need be.
Depending on your budget, Core i7, 16 GB ram with SSD is best.
However, core i3 or i5 with 4gb or 8gb ram HDD will also work fine.
It can be HP, DELL, Mac or any other brand.
Yes. In fact, this is our strength. We are committed to supporting our students to ensure they succeed. You will be added to our WhatsApp group to connect with others and also ask questions.
We don’t guarantee job after the training. However, we share job alerts from time to time on available vacancies and tips that can help our students get job faster. We also offer CV review, LinkedIn profile optimization and letter of recommendation to diligent students.
All our training are physical at our Ikeja office. However, those who are outside Nigeria or living far can join online. Who join our classes from Canada, The UK, USA, UAE, Finland etc.
Yes. Tech365 was established to bridge the practical knowledge that people are lacking to secure a job. Hence, we focus on making the class beginner friendly with lots of projects to help the participants master the skill.
We issue a certificate of completion after the training. If you are interested in certification, you can pay to take certification exam by international bodies online.
You can chat with our representation using the WhatsApp chat button on our website or call the phone number at the top or bottom of this page. You can also click the register button on this page to show your interest and one of our team will reach out to you.
We don’t compete based on price. Our fees is based on the value we offer. If you want a place that will give you in-depth knowledge and value for your money, you are in the right place. Our past students are glad to learn from us as our training is hands-on and designed to make you job-ready. You can check what over 80 of our students had to say about our training on our Google review page.